12 minutes not worth wasting: Being overly focused on macroeconomics

This article discusses the perspective of renowned investor Peter Lynch on macroeconomics and its role in investing. Lynch believes that spending more than 12 minutes on macroeconomics is a waste of time and suggests that investors focus on individual companies and their financial performance instead.

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1 min read

The risk paradox: Avoiding the "to the moon!" attitude

This article explores the risk paradox in investing, where taking risks is essential for making money, but taking on too much risk can lead to disastrous outcomes.

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2 min read

Navigating the Minsky Moment: Understanding the Phenomenon

This article provides an explanation of the Minsky Moment, a recurring phenomenon in the stock market in which a rapid growth of asset prices eventually leads to a sudden and sharp collapse.

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Growth vs Value investing: Which one is right for you

This article discusses two popular investment approaches, growth and value investing, and explores which one might be right for different investors. It covers factors to consider such as investment goals, risk tolerance, diversification, and personal preference, and emphasizes the importance of doing research.

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Better to be Roughly Right than Exactly Wrong: Making Informed Investment Decisions

This article explains how investors should focus on making informed decisions based on the best available information, rather than trying to predict stock prices with absolute certainty. The article also highlights the importance of risk management and diversification to mitigate potential losses.

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Currency Risk for Non-US Investors

This article discusses the risks associated with investing in US-based assets for non-US investors, particularly currency risk, and offers strategies to manage it.

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2 min read

Understanding Agency Theory in Investing: Does Management Have Your Best Interest At Heart

This article provides an overview of agency theory and its relevance to investing. It explains the potential conflicts of interest that can arise between shareholders and the management team of a company, and how investors can use agency theory as a framework to manage these risks.

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1 min read

The Importance of Effective Capital Allocation in Driving Long-Term Growth and Increasing Shareholder Value

This article emphasizes the importance of effective capital allocation by management when investing in a company. The article explains how capital allocation involves evaluating investment opportunities and deciding which ones are likely to generate the highest return on investment while minimizing risk.

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2 min read